Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Photo a Day: Day 19

I took about 100 pictures of my daughter after school and the session was valuable in that I learned some things, including how to read one specific setting in the viewfinder and....that her wigglyness (that is TOO a word!) plus my inexperience plus my kit lens plus low light = blurry pictures no matter what I do. Faster shutter speed? Picture is too dark. Higher ISO? Picture is noisy. Aperture helps but not enough. So I don't have any pictures of her to share (nor to use in the photo book I'm putting together for my grandmother for her 90th birthday - I just need 2 more pictures and I cannot get those last 2 pictures for the life of me).

So here's a picture I took of my lunch that I then shared on Instagram. It was yummy and involved a different obsession of mine, spiralizing. It was a simple throw-things-in-the-pot-without-measuring hot and sour broth, onions, spiralized zucchini, leftover noodles, and one perfect egg.

I have the Inspiralizer (a referral link), by the way, and I absolutely love it. I used the Paderno three-blade spiralizer (also a referral link) for a year before upgrading, and it was fine, and it's less expensive as well. But there was a sale on the Inspiralizer at the end of last year and I'd been eyeing it for some time so I went for it and it is absolutely better in almost all ways. Sometimes my counter and its clamps/base are not friends - but when they do work together, the results are perfect and much better than the standard suction cups. It's sharper, it's cleaner, it's smaller, I love it. I'm in awe of how Ali has built her blog and brand up and turned it into a multi-channel business. She has the blog, the tool, a cookbook (and another on the way), meal plans, partnerships with restaurants....it's very impressive!

The weather is simply not cooperating for lots of photo-practice. I'm also wondering...what next? Where do I want to go with my photography? Because just posting pictures on screens....that's not it. Learning learning learning.....

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