I haven't been thrifting this many times in a short period in quite a while, but I genuinely need a new wardrobe (I'll need to go crazy again in the fall...and winter...). A long time ago, I was in New York City with my grandmother, and we went sorta-thrifting in SoHo and she asked me if I'd stop thrifting if I won the lottery (in a sweet, supportive way, not a "WHY do you do this?" way). I said no. But if I'd won that $500 million, I'd have considered it. (I didn't win. I didn't even win my dollar back.)
So. In between the two stores we hit, my friend and I got to see the Hunger Games movie - the first movie I'd seen in a theater in about a year (I saw Inception in the theater TWICE). The short of it is that the book was better - but it always is - but the movie was well done. In fact, I wish the movie was its own thing, but it's not, it's based on a book, and a lot of it set up books two and three (movies 2-4, I gather).
The Humane Society is my favorite thrift store in the universe. Of what is pictured below, everything was $1 except three things were 50 cents, according to my receipt. I have no idea what was what - I guess the kid jeans were 50 cents and maybe the two T-shirts? - I just go there and buy what I want and don't worry about prices. There is NOWHERE ELSE on the planet where I can say that! I don't think I've ever spent more than $20 there and at this point 50% of my wardrobe is probably from there...
Here's what I got:
Old Navy jeans for the kid. Because she can never have enough jeans. |
Workout capris that are adorable. |
Cute, casual Old Navy skirt.
Two pairs of Old Navy capris. The brown ones in the back were in my "maybe" pile until I said "Well, they're a dollar and I don't have enough shorts yet so I might as well." The blue ones I love. |
I decided this is the summer of wearing skirts. Throw on a skirt and a black T shirt and I'm good to go. This one is less shiny than it appears, more flowy. And the design is textured. It's cute. |
Guiness T-shirt (hard to see). Super soft. Probably this was 50 cents. |
I know it's awful, but it's also so funny. Probably also 50 cents. Haven't tried it on but it looked like it would fit. |
Not shown, because the picture came out terrible, two pairs of black yoga/running pants - Champion and Danskin. Super comfy!
Then we hit the other indie thrift store in the area. No sales today (unlike last time), so everything basically was $3 - except that I bought 6 things and paid $16 plus tax, so something wasn't $3 but I really don't know what.
My "breaking out of my comfort zone" skirt. It's a bit pinker in person, and it fits really nicely. Ann Taylor Loft even. And my friend Amy happened to have the perfect brown top to go with it. Now I need an excuse to wear it. Like grocery shopping. |
Terrible picture of two workout tank tops. The orange one is Champion and has a built-in bra - and is very similar to one I bought at Target for a lot more than $3. |
The cat liked this Old Navy long-sleeved shirt (which may have been the $2 wildcard). |
I don't know what is up with my awful camera work today, but this is a black - really black! - J Crew skirt. It's a bit faded but I got it to be summer casual so who cares. |
Love this skirt - Old Navy linen. I know, I know, linen wrinkles if you talk to it, but this one seems like it might hold up OK. The black is still black, and it made me want to twirl. It used to have a belt but that's missing - I guess I'll have to thrift another one! |
The end!
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