I just got back from a whirlwind trip to Virginia Beach where I got to watch dolphins and stick my feet in sand. I also got to spend time with a dear friend and her family, and said friend and I snuck out to have some girl time and hit a thrift store. Then the next day my patient husband took me to two other thrift stores in the area. I didn't get to spend as much time in any of the three as I personally wanted to (um...hours....) but I still had fun.
I have said it before and I will continue to say it - Virginia Beach has some AMAZING thrifting going on. The prices are good but the stock is great. I suspect it's because so many military families move through and need to dump things quickly, but it could just be random luck.
Store number one was Goodwill - with a similar pricing structure as back home in Atlanta. So I wasn't particularly impressed with the deals on adult clothes but the kid clothes were priced better than at home PLUS I found a bunch of things left in the half-price color (here usually that color is picked over very quickly), so that was good. Everything below is for the kid and I am going on memory for prices... Not shown, 50 cent board book illustrating Polly Put the Kettle On.
Gymboree and way cute. I think this was a dollar. |
I vaguely remember that this was full price and so...$2? |
I think this was also $2. |
And these might've been a dollar. Maybe 2? |
First store with the husband was the Disabled American Veterans store. It was chaotic with cramped racks - and I loved it. It seemed that clothes were a flat price within a category but that the store then occasionally would mark things down based on color/time in the store. Plus there were 99 cent racks within each category - sweet! I had far too little time in this store but I made the most of it. Not shown: husband bought the kid a basketball for 99 cents, and I bought her a hardback picture book by Lois Ehlert for about 50 cents (that she ripped during a tantrum, oy).
99 cents! NY and Co. This is very similar to another denim skort that I thrifted that I wear all the time, but it is a size smaller. I took a risk for a dollar. (No fitting rooms at the DAV.) |
Cute owl shirt. 99 cents. |
H&M top that I hope fits. $1.98. |
For the kid (too big for her, too small for me, but it will fit her eventually). 99 cents. |
And finally I went to one of the CHKD stores in the area. I had read mixed reviews of the specific store we hit but I thought it was fine with a great selection and pretty good prices. Not shown: Frank Bruni bio for me for 99 cents and a copy of Z is for Zamboni to replace the one that the kid destroyed (perfect condition! I think it was $1.99 or something).
Favorite find of the day - Hanna Andersson skirt/skort in perfect condition. $3. Way too big for the kid but it will eventually fit her. Yesssss. |
Talbots skirt was $3, marked down from $6. H&M top was $3. I think they go together and I hope they fit! |
69 cent silly shirt for husband. |
Someday I'll go to VA Beach and spend tons of time at thrift stores but I think I did pretty well for a quick dash...
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